Addiction a Fundraising Opportunity?
I know that this is going to sound harsh.It might even sound rude. But, I have to say it. I am done with health groups praying on addiction. Dry February is nothing more than hype. Dry February is praying on addiction. When did addiction become a fundraising opportunity?
If you want to stop drinking, you must do it for yourself. If you want to stop drinking, no gimmicky campaign from an out-of-touch NGO marketing team that thinks it’s “woke” to pray upon addiction will give you the support and help you might need.
Let’s be clear, if the NGO behind Dry Feb understood addiction, there would be tools to help. There would be warnings, more support than a list of mocktails, and the fan favourite advice: “Keep yourself busy – make the most of your weekends! Try a new hobby or go on an adventure outside” (DRY FEB)
This is predatory behaviour that must stop.
If you think your drinking has become unmanageable, you can get help. There are tools, resources, and support!
Here are some resources to help
- Immediate, free, and confidential mental health and substance use help
- 24/7
- Virtual services in English and French
- Interpretation services are available during phone counseling sessions in over 200 languages and dialects
- Free, confidential professional help and resource for drug and alcohol addiction in Canada
- Referrals for clients seeking support with substances
Free meetings and support for people who come together to solve their drinking problem
There are also many more resources on the Health Canada Website.
I am not writing to stop you from removing alcohol from your life. I am not here to stop you from living a sober life. On the contrary, I want you to succeed in whatever you do. Especially when it comes to your health.
I will not sell you anything or try to capitalize on your fears. I want to encourage you. Live the life you want to live, with or without alcohol in it.
As someone living in recovery, I will be honest and tell you it will be the hardest yet more rewarding thing you will ever do. I am also going to say your relationship with drinking is yours, and you need to discover what place/role it has in your life.
Alcoholism is a chronic disease characterized by the compulsive need to drink despite the negative consequences. It is a progressive disease that can lead to serious health problems, including liver damage, brain damage, and heart disease. In severe cases, it can even be life-threatening.
According to Canada’s Low-Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines, you will find their recommended consumption limits. I have listed them below.
- limit alcohol to no more than:
- 2 standard drinks per day
- 10 standard drinks per week
- 3 standard drinks on special occasions
- avoid drinking alcohol on some days
- limit alcohol to no more than:
- 3 standard drinks per day
- 15 standard drinks per week
- 4 standard drinks on special occasions
- avoid drinking alcohol on some days
Pregnant women:
- avoid drinking alcohol
Alcohol addiction is a disease, not a fundraising initiative.
I know I have said this a few times, but again, why are we okay with addiction being used as a fundraising opportunity? If stopping drinking to you is essential, it’s something that you want to do, I applaud you, and I am going to say talk to someone. Addiction to any substance should never be minimized.
If you started Dry February and have realized that stopping drinking is much more complicated than you thought, don’t feel bad about dropping out. Your addiction or relationship to alcohol is not a profiteering opportunity for others. It’s okay if you feel that Dry February is nothing more than Hype.
I want to also say shame on the Canadian Cancer Society, which after all these years, still hasn’t figured out how to lead with compassion for all Canadians that suffer illness. Actions like these makes me wonder where the money is going if they are so desperate as to prey upon one illness to find a cure for another.