About and for all women in Northumberland




Hello and welcome to Northumberland Women.  Come along with us for the ride to discover the incredible women living in our community.

What is Northumberland Women?

Northumberland Women is a place for women to inspire and be inspired by other women. The county of Northumberland sits east of Toronto, on the traditional territories of the Mississauga. It covers over 1900 square km. We have 7 municipalities. In every inch of this beautiful part of Ontario, there are incredible women doing incredible things.


We will build the platforms to connect them, through radio, social media, events and blogs.


We have bad ass women in our community, and it is my vision that through this new venture those stories will be highlighted through radio interviews, blogs and events, where the goal is to inspire other women in our community to follow their dreams, their passion so they can attain their own personal success.

Iyanla Vanzant said:

“The way to achieve your own success is to be willing to help somebody else get it first. ”

A saying that has held truth in every aspect my life. I own retail shops in small communities, and I have always said that if my neighbours are busy, then so am I.

Success however should not measured by a single achievment or failure. It’s a collection of measurements that we set for ourselves. It not just about the size of your bank account, the square footage of your home, or the number of followers on instagram. Its more than that.  We each have the ability to define success using our own metrics. It could be family, health or simply the smile our own faces.

I once read “you will never truly be successful until you learn to give beyond yourself” and to do that, I must practice empathy and caring in each every interaction. Not an easy task, but one worth it. The more we learn about others, the more we listen to other perspectives, the easier empathy and caring happen. Those two qualities in humans is the foundation for success.


So here I am, starting a new project that aims to open the eyes, minds and hearts of people to listen to learn about others, to embrace new perspectives so we can each attain our personal success. Hope you can take a moment to stay around and follow me as we begin to learn together.



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